spooky lights

Spooky lights in a viral video turn out to be drones

Video footage has spread like wildfire that portrays spooky lights along a highway in Michigan.

The video was shared by Kaylin Adams on her Facebook page on April 1. Adams said that while on her way on I-75 from Waterford to Flint Township, she observed the spooky lights and stopped to capture the amazing lights floating in the sky.

The video has garnered more than 200,000 views and more than 5,700 shares.

Response to the video of spooky lights

Adams said that there were other people gawking at the strange lights in the vicinity.

She said that they had seen spooky lights flickering in certain formations and changing colors.

Kyle Dorosz, CEO of Firefly Drone Shows, said that his company was in the middle of test flying custom-built drones at the Holly Cloud Hoppers flying facility located near the I-75 near Grand Hall Road.

The Firefly Drone Shows is based in Lake Orion and has partnered with Cloud Hoppers and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to use the facility.

30 drones were used in the video according to Kyle but his company intends to expand the fleet to 200 by summer. The show is pre-programmed and choreographed using a computer.

A couple of pilots and visual observers oversee safety aspects but the drones are maneuvered by the computer.

Final Thoughts

Kyle Dorosz said that he was quite startled to learn that the video had gone viral.

He said that while testing out the spooky lights, they felt so small in the facility and believed that they had been the only ones around.

He added that these were the first test flights carried out at night. If you want to know more about the on-demand drone lights, check them out now.


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