You must have come across those astounding red and green shimmering drone lights in the night sky. This may have had got you thinking as to whether the lights are stars on the horizon or some drone whizzing across the sky. To be honest, you are not alone if you have thought so! We have […]
Aussies have something big on offer
Drone light shows are a novelty for the Aussies. In other parts of the world such as the US, China, the Middle East, and Europe, drone shows are becoming quite common thanks to the splendor that they promise and the one-of-a-kind experience that they have to offer. When you observe the audience of a drone […]
Drone Light Shows Simplified
“Wonderful”, “Scintillating”, “Magnificent”, “Ethereal”, “Astonishing”. These are some of the key comments that were received in response to a splendid viral social media video of a drone light show that was shared by Verge Aero as it endeavored to offer its gratitude to healthcare professionals in Philadelphia. The response to the viral video was unimaginable […]
Fireworks Eclipsed by Drone Light Shows
China is known to be the birthplace of fireworks. However, in recent times, there has been spectacular drone light shows organized by the People’s Republic. This begs the question if a country that invented fireworks has been open to holding large-scale drone light shows, then why on earth they can’t be convened in the United […]
4th of July Drone Light Show Postponed by Intel
A permanent fixture of the future Fourth of July celebrations could be an enthralling drone light show in the wildfire vulnerable northern California. But this certainly was not the case this year when hundreds of UAVs studded with LED lights and all set to amaze the spectators with their shimmering lights had to be brought […]
Creating Shows with Swarm Management Software
Drone light shows are not only related to entertainment. They are a formidable manifestation of the incredible things that can be accomplished with a fleet of drones. One of them is Swarm Management Software. SPH Engineering was established five years ago and is headquartered in Latvia. They have come up with an off-the-shelf product for […]
Drone Light Shows to Become Ubiquitous Soon
HAVE YOU EVER VIEWED A DRONE LIGHT SHOW? Probably you have come across an image or video footage of drone light shows? But I presume that you have not watched any such event in real life. Well, to be honest, I have also not viewed it either! This sounds quite creepy since Time Magazine proclaims […]
The Most Exciting Drone Lights in the Market
The intricate LED technology by Light and Motion encapsulates a lightweight design that opens up new vistas of opportunity to aerial imagery. Powerful output coupled with optimal illumination makes these drone lights suitable for use by both commercials as well as hobbyist pilots. SECA 2200D A highly powerful lighting solution for small-sized drones, Seca 2200D, […]
Drone Lights Illuminate this Short Video
Ever since reasonably priced drones equipped with stunning features have hit the shelves, drone lights are being used to lit up scenes and subjects by employing flashes and high-intensity LED lights as part of an emerging trend. If you are interested in getting to know about the latest experimentation, watch this 2.5-minute short film titled […]
Drones Paint Light Halos Over Mountains in these Pictures
All of us have been enthralled by the spectacular landscape photography by the Chicago-based Reuben Wu for the past several years. He connects LED lights to a UAV and then goes on to capture stunning imagery of the natural scenes from the sky. A serenading glow is cast by the lights across rocks and that […]